Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Sale exclusively regulate the purchase of products from the website www.mnmur.com sold directly by the company Mnmur di Giambra Marco (hereafter the Supplier), registered office Via Giuseppe Baretti 29, 10125 Torino, Italy. Tax Identification GMBMRC80P29C665A and VAT no. 10266460012.
The customer (hereafter the Customer) is defined as the person identified by the data keyed in at the time of registration and acceptance of conditions.
You can always contact the seller by e-mail at the following address: info@mnmur.com
Only products with the mnmur label are offered on www.mnmur.com.
The complete product description of products is shown on each specific page.
Please note that our products are made from recycled materials. Due to the nature of the material some differences in material and colour are possible.
Images and product colours may not correspond exactly to the true colour due to your Internet browser and monitor.
Given that mnmur products are entirely handmade, we cannot guarantee the immediate availability of each product at the point of purchase. Mnmur, however, guarantees its clients that in the event of a product being unavailable immediately availability, the same product will be made within 5 working days.

Nature of the supplier-customer relationship and cases where consumer protection norms do not apply

In accordance with current Italian and EU law the relationship between Supplier and Customer is governed by consumer protection norms when the customer makes a purchase for personal use not connected to his/her business or work. However for any relationship between Supplier and Customer where purchases are made directly connected to the customer’s business the consumer protection norms do not apply, in particular D.Lgs N.185 1999 (distance contracts) and D.Lgs 50 1992 (right to revoke) articles 1469 bis e segg. c.c.

Prices and guarantees

Unless otherwise stated, all prices indicated are expressed in Euros and include VAT. The price considered valid and final is always the one shown at the time of placing the order.
For each order a delivery voucher is issued and sent together with the goods requested, and on request an invoice can be sent with the goods. The Supplier is not responsible for taxes due in other countries.

Limitations of responsibility

The Supplier declines any responsibility for malfunction or suspended service, or any deterioration in service caused by force majeure or accident when it is not due to the Supplier’s own fault or negligence.

Valid communication

The client accepts any notification referring to the online services (including those connected with an order) whether they are made by the Supplier by email or through the Web service and agrees to recognise these as valid and hereby agrees that he/she cannot claim that he did not know about any such communication sent in electronic form.

Applicable law

For all e-commerce activities on www.mnmur.com Italian laws applies. In accordance with articles 1341-1342 C.C. The Customer declares that he/she has read and accepts the clauses and articles of the general conditions of sale on this site.